

Technical Dimensions

Annually 50,000 tons of crude plant oil and waste plantal oil are used as raw materials.

  • 50,000 tons of biodiesel is produced in accordance with TS EN 14214 standard.
  • 5,000 tons of 99,8% pure glycerine is produced, which can be used in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries.
  • The production facility is in Kocaeli Kartepe district.

Raw Material Supply and Production Process in Biodiesel Production

Raw Material Supply:

Oil sources that can be used in biodiesel production:

  • Plant Oils: Sunflower, Soybean, Rapeseed, Safflower, Cotton, Palm Oils
  • Waste Plantal Oils: Used Cooking Oils,


The biodiesel production process includes the following stages:

After neutralizing the crude oil, biodiesel is obtained from plant oils by transesterification reaction (alcoholysis). In the transesterification reaction, the oil is esterified with monohydric alcohol (ethanol, methanol), in the presence of a catalyst (acidic, basic catalysts, and enzymes), giving fatty acid esters and glycerine as the main products. In addition, di- and monoglycerides, excess reactants, and free fatty acids are formed as by-products in the esterification reaction. Esterification technology is used in the production of biodiesel. In addition, high purity glycerin was produced. The chemical industry has known about ester production since 1853; the important thing is to produce a product that conforms to the engine biofuel standard quality.

Biodiesel production facility sections;

  • Crude Oil Neutralization
  • Basic and/or Acidic Esterification Method
  • Biodiesel Purification
  • Glycerin Purification